Wellness — natural remedies
Purple Onion Cough Syrup
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Oil of Oregano
herbalism natural remedies oil of oregano

Oregano isn’t just a delicious addition to a slice of pizza. This beautiful herb packs a lot of perks for your health and wellness. Oregano’s a flowering plant that’s part of the Lamiaceae family. It’s been used as a tasty herb and holistic remedy for centuries. Thanks to its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory effects, it’s been used to treat pain, achy muscles, yeast infections, high cholesterol, blood sugar imbalances, asthma and tummy trouble like diarrhea and indigestion. Research suggests that oregano essential oil might help stave off potentially antibiotic-resistant bacteria like E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Oregano oil contains: carvacrol, the main active compound in...
Grandma's Medicine- Onion + Sugar Cough Syrup
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