Allergy Defense
Allergy Defense
Allergy Defense

Allergy Defense

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An organic Oxymel created with nutritive herbs, apple cider vinegar and raw honey to soothe your sinuses all year long. Oxymels are herb infused apple cider vinegars created to deliver a myriad of health benefits. Oxymels carry a smooth taste of apple cider vinegar and honey. Apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial to gut health and is a safe tool to extract herbal properties from herbs without alcohol. 


Ingredients: Organic raw apple cider vinegar, Raw honey, Infused herbs (Stinging nettle leaf, Eyebright, Mullien Leaf and Rosemary). 

Container: Ships in 2oz glass dropper bottle

Directions: Adults take two dropperfuls under the tongues daily for sinus and allergy support. 

Children over the age of 1: take 1 dropperful daily by mouth for allergy support. Do not give this product to children under the age of 1 due to the raw honey content. 

You can increase the dosage based on symptoms up to three times per day.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Spi-RITUAL makes no claims to cure any ailment or disease. Please consult your medical practioner prior to beginning any herbal medication.

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